Rebirthing Breathwork Explained

Rebirthing Breathwork is a healing modality that uses conscious connected breathing. It induces deep relaxation and an expanded state of consciousness. The altered state of consciousness allows for a more expanded perspective with less interference from the mind’s judgment. This allows the person to feel safe enough so unresolved emotions and memories can be released gently through the breathing rhythm.

It is not possible to have disease and relaxation in the same space simultaneously. Relaxation is a powerful tool for healing. Each breath we take brings about relaxation, making breathing a fundamental healer. Conscious Energy Breathing is the most natural way of healing. This technique involves merging inhaling and exhaling in a gentle and relaxed manner, following one's intuition, and allowing Divine Energy to flood the body.

How does Rebirthing Breathwork compare to other forms of breathwork?

Rebirthing Breathwork can heal on the physical, mental, spiritual, and energetic levels.

Our body's wisdom, breath’s intelligence, and the flow of prana will purify and harmonize our body, mind, and spirit. The key instruction is to breathe through difficult emotions, distressing memories, and bodily sensations to attain a tranquil and joyful


While a cathartic release can happen, it is not the goal. There is a natural energy cycle that happens. Rebirthing Breathwork focuses on breathing until you feel “complete” with that cycle.

There are many forms of breathwork, and each has a specific purpose. For example, “box breathing” is used for calming, “Wim Hof” is used for body mastery and strength, and “breath of fire” is used to generate heat in the body.

Some of the results and benefits of this practice include, but are not limited to:

  • Feeling more clear, joyful, and vital due to the release of everyday stress and tension

  • Experiencing deep relaxation and calm

  • Regulating the nervous system

  • Releasing trauma and suppressed emotions in a gentle yet powerful way that can compromise our health and hold us back

  • Understanding and releasing early childhood and birth imprints, patterns, and memories

  • Gaining deep insights and intuitive guidance from within

  • Connecting with the deepest parts of ourselves and the Divine, creating an experience of Oneness

  • Moving through energetic and physical blocks

  • Liberating the breathing mechanism from shallow, inhibited breathing patterns

  • Super-oxygenating the body and alkalizing the blood.

How do I prepare for my first breathwork session?

It is imperative that you attend the session without any influence from substances. Have your body as clean as possible.

The key is to maintain an open mind for the session. All feelings and sensations that arise are temporary and will transform, dissolve, and resolve as long as you continue to breathe in a connected manner.

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